How to build your own 135TB RAID6 storage pod for $7,384
- About $54 per TB
- With Raid 6, that is really $63 per TB
- This is a single unit.
- Speed within it is good
- Raid 6: 1-2/15= 85%
- Redundant
- 45 3TB drive
- groups of 15 drives grouped together using RAID6 to create 39TB partition
- ext4 has a 16TB limit
- used logical volume manage (LVM) to access the full 39TB as a unit
IBM's Watson charts new frontiers for computer science
- David McQueeney, VP of software
- "a long-standing challenge in artificial intelligence to emulate a slice of human behavior"
- Understanding unfiltered language hard for computers
- Jeopardy
- statistical analysis approach
- uses structured data only 15% of the time
- built-in temporal reasoning
- find data through time and geospatial calculations
- weight evidence
- pre-loaded data
- not connected to internet
- Watson in 2007 could only answer Jeopardy questions 50% of the time
- DeepQA
- massively parallel probabilistic evidence-based architecture
- made of off-the-shelf components
- not technically a supercomputer
- 80 teraflops of processing power
- Won 71 percent of the time in 55 sparring matches
Mono, open-source .NET for Android, Linux and iOS, lives on
- support for SUSE-Attachmates' Linux Branch